ABOUT US           

Our Story

After thousands of hours of hovering over rinks, courts, and competition fields, there were some truths and beliefs that we discovered that started to emerge for us in the form of questions.

Why do some athletes appear to be covered in armor, protecting them from the dramas of their sport, while others crumble under the pressures of competition? Why does one athlete who has been blessed with physical abilities, ridiculous talent and refined skills crumble during high stakes situations, while the less developed athlete uses the same spotlight to stand out when it matters most?

One day I was asked by David Scott to casually meet in order to update each other on our weekly grind. Little did we know that both of us were being bombarded by the same observations and questions that we have experienced as athletes, coaches, and parents. 

With the growth and vulnerability of adolescent specialization, we were forced to move from observation and dialogue to design and development. In 2019 we moved into the pilot phase of our plan. 

In 2020 the Covid pandemic shut down our rinks and competition venues. We realized that in order to keep progressing, we needed to apply our own curriculum to ourselves and the business. Not unlike most businesses, we moved to a virtual platform while we waited for the in-person restrictions to be lifted.

Durable Minds became an official LLC in the spring of 2021 and in 2022 it was time to shift our focus from part-time to full-time. As we expand Durable Minds LLC to other states, institutions, and athletic organizations, we are ready to empower your athlete[s].

Our Team

Garen Stoehr

This father of four has never left the health, fitness and sport industry. Graduating with a sports medicine degree, he found comfort and competency in working with athletes. For the last two and half decades, he has facilitated certifications and workshops in the US and Canada on topics ranging from the science of human movement, to leadership development. In addition to professionally coaching and mentoring groups and individuals on Improvements in personal performance. 

David Scott

Dave has played hockey since he was a young boy. Now as a father of three, he spends more time coaching on the bench. For the past twelve seasons he’s been head coach, assistant, and goalie coach for his son’s teams. He has his level three coaching certification and bronze level goalie certification. He serves on the Roseville Area Youth Hockey Association Board as VP of Finance and District 2 Representative.