Blog posts sourced from athletes, coaches and parents that address relevant scenarios, while providing strategic tactics for improved performance.
Equip Your Captain[s] or Accept Mediocrity
This year, our high school captains were great athletes and outstanding students, but I felt like I had to babysit them throughout the season and never really got the lift I was expecting from their leadership. Is it them, or is it me? I want to make sure I get the most from my captains next season.
Selecting The Right Captain[s]
As a coach, I’m struggling to identify the best method for selecting team captains. Should it be a vote, my decision, or earned through performance?
Your Self-Narrative: Don’t Let It Break You
It’s like everything I’m doing lately is missing the mark. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on, but I just feel stuck.
Breaking the Silence: Understanding the Quiet Strengths of Your Teammates
My teammate is so quiet, we do team bonding events, and most of us get kind of crazy before a game in the locker room. I'm fearful that they may not be caring about how we do or even if they want to win. What should i do?
Am I Being “Carewashed”?
Our entire team has to attend a Yoga session. I don't know what to expect and honestly I need just one day to myself and a break from my team.
I’m Being Eclipsed!
I am doing everything asked of me. I'm not perfect, but I feel like other players are getting opportunities that I am not, and they are not performing as well as I am. What do you suggest?
Finishing Strong: Strategies To Power Through Playoff Season
I'm a fall and winter athlete. We are projected to make it to the postseason playoffs. I know from the fall season that I started losing focus and energy toward the last quarter of the season. Do you have any suggestions to prevent this from happening this winter?
Am I Saying The Right Thing? How To Support Your Athlete After A Tough Loss
Recently my athlete has had some disappointing games. Sometimes I am unsure of what to say and how to support them. What are your thoughts?
Stepping Up: Finding Opportunity Over Anxiety
Our goalie is unable to make tomorrow's game. The coach is asking if anyone wants to volunteer to play. I never have, and I don't want to look like a fool! Why would I?